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Holistic insight into your natural business behaviours

4 Compass indicators to provide detailed, bespoke reports that uncover you and/or your team's natural preferences in communication, leadership, pace and risk.


Compass behavioural indicators are a suite of easy to use, online tests designed for use in a business context. Following each completed indicator a comprehensive, bespoke report is available in a personal dashboard, along with a wealth of resources to enable effective application of insights, resulting in better communication, faster decision making and cultural gains.


Compass was designed for individuals, teams and organisations to immediately use the insights to make positive change. Specifically focusing on business behaviours that are often overlooked, the indicators help businesses rapidly learn how to accelerate business performance and growth.


Compass delivers value


Teams and organisations who want to improve workplace culture, wellbeing and to create a cohesive working environment use Compass to identify issues and behavioural traits to foster tolerance and understanding between colleagues.

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What's your natural communication style?

Reveal how your personal communication style relates to others, be able to proactively resolve differences and improve relationships.

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What's your natural leadership style?

See how your aptitudes support your current role, where you fit within your team and organisation, and how your career can develop.

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What's your natural pace in life?

Benchmark and improve your overall sustainability and performance and identify your most productive way of working and living.

What's your natural appetite for risk?

Make faster, more aligned strategic choices by overcoming tension and inaction, allowing your teams to outperform the competition.

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